Child Labor – The Vicious Truth

child labor 1Children are a gift of god but does it apply only to our kids? How many of us have been mute spectators to child labor?

We are a country with a large population of a billion where millions of kids are forced into child labor.

We are an educated elitist society with lot of values and principles we claim but do we raise our voice and wake up to our conscience when we witness a child working as a bonded laborer at our neighbor’s space?

jdqo5TjifgaAlthough 18 is recognized as the juvenile age as per UN standards our Government adheres to it in all other cases but hypocritically India has a legislation that allows children above 14 to take up work in the non-hazardous category however there is a total ban on employment of children up to the age of 14 and even children between the age of 14-18 cannot be forced into any labor.

But the ugly truth is often poverty stricken parents end up sending their children for domestic work which is regarded as non-hazardous. In reality these children are made to work for more than 10hours which is no less than working in any hazardous industry.

Also many times stolen children are trafficked into this business that works like a mafia by some middlemen.

Curtailing a child’s basic right to education, freedom of movement (bonded labor), right to childhood, harassing them mentally, physically and morally amounts to child labor.

We often hear it in news and read it in newspapers but I was acutely shocked when I heard that it existed among us.

A fellow neighbor had employed a 9year old boy as helper who did all household chores and acted as a nanny to their kid. Pushing the pram with his eyes always focused on the ground he never uttered a word to strangers even on being asked.

He was all dressed up and looked polished but his body language was loud enough to know that something was terribly wrong and that he didn’t belong here.

Fortunately for him and unfortunately for the employerbba Dr.Vani Kantli a ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ activist was a resident amongst us until recently intervened directly and filed a FIR as per the Juvenile Justice Act.

The boy was rescued and rehabilitated at a state home and later sent to school reuniting him with his parents.

Thanks to people like Dr.Vani who work towards social development inciting and empowering social values in our society by challenging the many odds in our system.

Bachpan Bachao Andolan is a movement a drive to rescue and rehabilitate child laborers, they adopt methods like prevention camps where they address the root of the problem which if often poverty and lack of awareness about their rights. They conduct programs in rural areas by providing basic facilities and ensuring education of every child thereby creating an awareness about the fundamental rights and the importance of education which in turn ensures sustainability. It also conducts relief work arranging for back wages from ex employers, availing government pensions and ensures complete rehabilitation.

If a child is forced into work it has to be treated as an offense under section 374 IPC and is to be dealt sternly.

You can be a part of this movement too and save a child’s life by just being true to your conscience.

In case you come across any such case please report it to 1098 through a BSNL/Vodafone number or contact 22453549(all over Karnataka)

You can also contact ‘State Commission For Protection Of Child Rights’ chairman Mr.Umesh Aaradhya at 9886177311.

You can also call Dr.Vani Kantli at 8867450383 the coordinator at BBA Bangalore office who is spontaneous and ever willing to accommodate your call and request.

E mail:

Web site:

Article by Mayura Rao.

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